

Petrol Raccord offices and plant are in Via Trebbia 29, Industrial Area of Calendasco, Piacenza, Italy, 5 minutes from the exit of the A21 highway (Torino-Piacenza-Brescia).

CALENDASCO - Piacenza, Italy - (area sq m)
Open: 37,500
Covered: 13,500
Total area: 51,000

Websites of the Group

Petrol Raccord S.R.L. – Sede legale / Registered office: Via Trebbia 29, Zona Industriale Ponte Trebbia, 29010 Calendasco (Piacenza), Italy
Capitale sociale / Paid capital € 62,500,00 – REA PC 65074 – IVA / VAT No. IT 00256800335
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